Certified Teachers

In order to produce innovators for the modern society, a strong foundation is a must.

Student Life

Create a better, well-rounded, and holistic view on every aspect of life.


A fully stocked and well-maintained library to aid with the learning process


The campus spreads over 40 acres. This means that everything a student needs is close by.

Our Degrees

Provided is a comprehensive list of the degree courses that are offered at Vickramce College


  • Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering (CIVIL)
  • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) (NBA Accredited)
  • Bachelor's degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (NBA Accredited)
  • Bachelor's degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE)
  • Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering (MECH) (NBA Accredited)


  • Master's degree in Communication Systems (MC)
  • Master's degree in Engineering Design (MED)
  • Master's degree in Computer Science & Engineering (MCS)
  • Master's degree in Structural Engineering (MSE)
  • Master's degree in Embedded Systems (MES)

College of Engineering: Website Update

Vickramce's website has recently changed. Please visit the new website and click on the button to the right of the screen.

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